Trees are in bloom, birds are singing, and the sun is starting to beam. As we said previously, many find the spring season a welcomed change, while others may take longer to adjust. Many are getting their vaccines, camps are reopening for the summer, and social gatherings continue to increase in numbers. These hopeful changes are inspiring, and at the same time prompt emotional vulnerability after a long winter and adaption to a pandemic lifestyle. This week we will focus on small challenges and emotional vulnerability.
We all have innate emotional sensitivities to different stimuli. For some, it is more reactive and intense. When we experience emotional overwhelm, we may think, “what is wrong with me?” We wonder when the “storm” will pass, which can sometimes feel like forever. In DBT, we focus on returning to the function of emotions to help ground us in our own emotional vulnerabilities. It is important we use mindfulness techniques to become aware of our emotional experiences with curiosity instead of judgment. What is this sensation communicating to me? What is this telling me about myself? How is this emotional experience impacting others? These questions are challenging to access while feeling emotionally vulnerable, and at the same time can help activate our wise minds.
In addition to activating our wise minds, it is critical that we remind ourselves to walk the middle path and remain balanced. Our emotion regulation skills are centered around reducing our own vulnerabilities to our emotion minds. In particular, when noticing emotional vulnerability, a great skill to check in with are our PLEASE skills. These skills are centered around modulating our emotions. Have I been sleeping? Have I eaten anything today? Am I over-caffeinating myself? When was the last time I moved my body? These are all helpful questions that can help recenter our emotional overload, and help us return to baseline.
This week we ask you to check in with your emotional overload. Where are you noticing overwhelm? When was the last time you took care of yourself, and prioritized balance? We challenge you to slow down and focus on your sensations as signals to help guide you to a more wise and centered space.
We encourage you to practice your STOP skills. Once you slow down, can you mindfully attend to your sensations?
What self soothing can you do for each of your senses?
Giving Up Isn’t an Option: Turn Your Pain Into Something Powerful with Tracy Coval
by Apple Podcast
All It Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes by Andy Puddicombe
By Ted.com
(Click below to purchase the book)
DIY Calming Kits for Kids by theinspiredtreehouse.com
Click below to learn more